Saturday, October 19, 2013

Siren Song

Huddle beneath
Frostbitten shadows,
Tip-toe away from
Moonlight’s fingertips.

Wander from dream
To darkened nightmare,
Humming your
Lonely siren song.

Search every mind,
Touch every soul
Is there a place
You can call home?

Float in the wisps
Of a clouded night sky
Fall in the drops
Of rainstorm’s delight.

Settle on pages
Stained with ink,
Jot in your riddles
For the world to see.

Search every mind,
Touch every soul
Is there a place
You can call home?

Taste the sweetness
Of the morning dew
Smell the warmth
Of summer’s dawn

Swim in the coolness
Of the awakening sea,
Watch the creatures
That live there and breathe.

Search every mind,
Touch every soul,
Is there a place
You can call home?

Climb onto shelves
Tarnished by time,
Let the pages whisper
Your heart to sleep.

“Gentle rush of silent waves,
Cover this weary soul today.
Peace and rest are upon
You at last, while the softest
Sunlight warms your lips.

Tired and burdened,
Lay down your head.
Receive this dream and
Painless forget. Eternal sleep,
Welcome this child,

Welcome this child Home.”

*Well it's been quite a while since I blogged, hopefully I'll be doing more now. That's the plan anyways. :P