Saturday, November 23, 2013


Breathe now little child,
morning is on its way.
The nightmares won't last
and shadows won't always play
beneath your eyelids.

Be brave now little child,
your innocence guarded.
The dark ones have come
to steal your future and
feed you their lies.

Wake now little child,
sunlight tiptoes in
from under curtains
and slumbering glens,
seeking to warm your fingers.

Sing now little child,
the rain has come to
mend your wearied heart
and wash away
your hardened tears.

Take heart little child,
for I have felt your pain.
Your cries have been heard,
I know the darkness
that hunts you tonight.

Arise now little child
and become all that
you dreamed of.
There's strength left
inside of you yet.

Hold on little child,
to the hope you
remember fighting for.
There's life behind
your smile yet.

Fight now little child,
against the deceit
you once knew as truth.
They were wrong
when they said

you could never be